Repeated Efforts Newsletter – 6/23/21: On Split Squats, a Requirement for Growth, and Consistency


1)  Split Squats are one of my favorite exercises because they are so versatile.  However, I have made the mistake of creating interference toward improving movement limitations and joint health by prescribing them too soon in some cases.  Here are some quick tips on avoiding this blunder.

2)  I enjoy James Clear’s straightforward and wise writing (I read his book Atomic Habits TWICE this year).  He definitely someone that knows something about consistency and growth.  My journey to improve my professional skills and recapture my healthy body and athleticism is summarized in this quote:

“Most people don’t want accurate information, they want validating information.  Growth requires you to be open to unlearning ideas that previously served you.” – James Clear in his “3-2-1” Newsletter

3) I work with an athletically gifted individual whose knee has a three year surgical history that may give you chills.  Unfortunately, he took sporadic effort to address his needs for a year and half after his last surgery – the bare minimum to be cleared by the Doctor to return to his sport.  Being “cleared” doesn’t mean “prepared” so he had an uncomfortable and underwhelming season.  However, he has been on a tear for the last two months.  He is moving much better, his explosiveness continues to trend upward, and he states that he feels great!  Last week, he laughed while saying (totally unprovoked by me),

“Being consistent really does help… Imagine where I would be if I did this last summer.”

That is really funny or a face palm moment depending on one’s mood.

I don’t know why he chose to change his attitude toward training.  Maybe it was being humbled in the recent season.  Maybe it’s because he perceives quicker changes or enjoys the current exercise selection.  Nevertheless, even those with “super powers” need consistent effort at some point in order to succeed.  I need consistency in order to take advantage of windows of opportunities to help.

Email me if you have any questions or topics you would like me to discuss!

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